Management of Survey Data and Presentation of Analysis Results
Introduction to the 'memisc' Package
Adding Annotations to Objects
Apply a Formatting Template to a Numeric or Character Vector
Converting Data Frames into Arrays
Construction of Lists of Symbols
Assign a values to a variable for instances where a condition is met
Operators for Setting Annotations and Attributes
Conditional Evaluation of an Expression
Distinguish between Cases Specified by Logical Conditions
Character Translation of Aspects of Objects
Coarsen a vector into a factor with a lower number of levels
Generate a Codebook of a Data Set
Describe structure of Data Sets and Importers
Collect Objects
Contract data into pattern-frequency format
Convenience Methods for Setting Contrasts
Manipulation of Data Sets
Data Set Objects
Handle duplicated labels
Vectors of Univariate Sample Statistics
Change dimnames, rownames, or colnames
Check for and report duplicated labels
Loop over Variables in a Data Frame or Environment
Format Codebooks as HTML
Format "Flattened Tables" as HTML
Format Objects in HTML, show the HTML Format or Write it to a File
Format Codebooks as Markdown
Combining flattened tables.
Generic Tables and Data Frames of Descriptive Statistics
Get Model Summaries for Use with "mtable"
Operate on grouped data in data frames and data sets
Building Blocks for HTML Code
Convert Annotations, and Value Labels between Encodings
Object Oriented Interface to Foreign Files
How Survey Items Are Converted into "Ordinary" Data Vectors
Survey Items
Value Labels
Create a list and conveniently supply names to its elements
Means for groups of observations
Automatically Adapt Measurement Levels
Levels of Measurement of Survey Items
Deprecated Functions in Package memisc
Format for 'mtable' Objects for Writing into File
HTML Formatting for 'mtable' Results
Format 'mtable' Results for LaTeX
Print Format for 'mtable' Objects
Comparative Table of Model Estimates
Mark Negative Values as Missing
Negative Match
Table of Percentages with Percentage Base
Easy Creation of Tables of Percentages
Query an Object for Information
Recode Items, Factors and Numeric Vectors
Change labels of factors or labelled objects
Change Names of a Named Object
Reorder an Array or Matrix
Reshape data frames or data sets
Retain Objects in an Environment
Reverse the codes of a survey item or the levels of a factor
Take a Sample from a Data Frame-like Object
A Dimension Preserving Variant of "sapply" and "lapply"
Convenience Methods to Sort Data Frames and Data Sets
Convenience wrappers for common statistical functions
Formatting Styles for Coefficients, Factor Contrasts, and Summary Stat...
Substitutions in Language Objects
One-Dimensional Table of Frequences and/or Percentages
Interface to Packages 'tibble' and 'haven'
Convert an Array into a Data Frame
Additional Methods for LaTeX Representations for R objects
Trim Codes from the Labels of an Item
Named Lists, Lists of Items, and Atomic Vectors
Value Filters
HTML Output for 'view.
A Generic Viewing Function
Table of frequencies for unlabelled codes
Operators to abbreviate use of "with" and "within"
Add Alternative Variance Estimates to Models Estimates
Write Codebooks and Variable Descriptions into a Text File
Apply a function to ranges of variables
An infrastructure for the management of survey data including value labels, definable missing values, recoding of variables, production of code books, and import of (subsets of) 'SPSS' and 'Stata' files is provided. Further, the package allows to produce tables and data frames of arbitrary descriptive statistics and (almost) publication-ready tables of regression model estimates, which can be exported to 'LaTeX' and HTML.
Useful links