Support for Metrological Applications
Robust estimation of location and scale using Algorithm A
Algorithm S - robust estimate of pooled standard deviation
Barplot of Mandel's h or k statistics
Draw block plots from block plot objects
Generate a block plot - a histogram variant identifiying individual da...
Object returned by bootMSD
and associated methods.
Parametric bootstrap for median scaled difference
Object returned by bootMtrPairs
and associated methods.
Parametric bootstrap for pairwise comparison statistics.
Box plot of Mandel's h or k statistics
Functions to build correlation and covariance matrices.
Extract contributions from an 'uncert' object.
Constructs a covariance and location object for use in plotting data e...
Consistency plot for Key Comparisons
Construct data ellipses suitable for use with Youden plots.
Mandel's h statistic.
Mandel's k statistic.
Single variable deletions from the uncertainty budget.
derSimonian-Laird estimator
Scaled and shifted t distribution.
The triangular distribution.
Duewer concordance/apparent precision plot
The 'ilab' class.
Grouped plots of type "h"
Propagation of Measurement Uncertainty for Typical Metrology Applicati...
Monte Carlo Check on the Statistical Performance of GUM Uncertainty In...
The 'ilab' class.
Dot-and-bar plot for Key Comparisons
LCS: Largest consistent subset
The location estimate class
M- and MM-estimators for location.
Calculate Mandel's h statistics for replicate observations
Calculate Mandel's k statistics for replicate observations
Calculate Mandel's h and k statistics for replicate observations
Methods for the 'ilab' class.
Internal metRology objects
Vangel-Rukhin Maximum Likelihood Estimate
Mandel-Paule calculation
Methods for the object returned by msd
Median scaled difference
Methods for the object returned by pdchisq
Pair-difference chi-squared statistic
Plot data ellipses
Classical plots of Mandel's statistics.
Plot method for 'uncert' objects
Plot method for 'uncertMC' objects
Median scaled difference probabilities and quantiles
Internal functions for package RKC.
Combine 'ilab' objects
Restricted maximum likelihood estimate of location
The 'uncert' class
Uncertainty estimation functions
The 'uncertMC' class
Monte Carlo evaluation of measurement uncertainty.
Update and recalculate an uncertainty estimate
Vangel-Rukhin Maximum Likelihood Estimate
Welch-Satterthwaite effective degrees of freedom
Mean/Standard deviation plot with confidence region.
Youden plots
Provides classes and calculation and plotting functions for metrology applications, including measurement uncertainty estimation and inter-laboratory metrology comparison studies.