Meta-Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling
Compare Nested Models with Likelihood Ratio Statistic
Convert a Character Matrix into MxAlgebra-class
Convert a Matrix into MxMatrix-class
Convert a Character Matrix with Starting Values to a Character Matrix ...
Compute Asymptotic Covariance Matrix of a Correlation/Covariance Matri...
Create a Block Diagonal Matrix
Create a Block Diagonal Matrix by Repeating the Input
Parametric bootstrap on the univariate R (uniR) object
Fit Models on the bootstrapped correlation matrices
Calculate Effect Sizes using lavaan Models
Check the correctness of the RAM formulation
Extract Parameter Estimates from various classes.
Convert correlation or covariance matrices into a dataframe of correla...
Create an F matrix to select observed variables
Create a moderator matrix used in OSMASEM
Create a Vector into MxMatrix-class
Create a variance component of the heterogeneity of the random effects
Create a V-known matrix
Create a model implied correlation matrix with implicit diagonal const...
Matrix Diagonals
Test the Homogeneity of Effect Sizes
Create or Generate the Model Implied Correlation or Covariance Matrice...
Estimate the asymptotic covariance matrix of standardized or unstandar...
Test Positive Definiteness of a List of Square Matrices
Convert lavaan
models to RAM models
Convert a List of Symmetric Matrices into a Stacked Matrix
Convert a Matrix into a Block Diagonal Matrix
Univariate and Multivariate Meta-Analysis with Maximum Likelihood Esti...
Convert metaSEM
objects into semPlotModel
objects for plotting
Three-Level Univariate Meta-Analysis with Maximum Likelihood Estimatio...
Meta-Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling
Correlation Matrices from Nohe et al. (2015)
One-stage meta-analytic structural equation modeling
Calculate the R2 in OSMASEM and OSMASEM3L
Calculate the SRMR in OSMASEM and OSMASEM3L
Display the Accumulative Sample Sizes for the Covariance Matrix
Display the Pattern of Missing Data of a List of Square Matrices
Plot methods for various objects
Print Methods for various Objects
Generate (Nested) Sample/Population Correlation/Covariance Matrices
Read External Correlation/Covariance Matrices
Estimate Variance Components with Restricted (Residual) Maximum Likeli...
Estimate Variance Components in Three-Level Univariate Meta-Analysis w...
Rerun models via mxTryHard()
Fit a structural equation model using OpenMx
Compute Effect Sizes for Multiple End-point Studies
Compute Effect Sizes for Multiple Treatment Studies
Summary Method for tssem1, wls, meta, and meta3LFIML Objects
First Stage of the Two-Stage Structural Equation Modeling (TSSEM)
Estimate the heterogeneity (SD) of the parameter estimates of the TSSE...
First Stage analysis of the univariate R (uniR) approach
Second Stage analysis of the univariate R (uniR) approach
Extract Variance-Covariance Matrix of the Random Effects
Extract Covariance Matrix Parameter Estimates from Objects of Various ...
Convert a Vector into a Symmetric Matrix
Conduct a Correlation/Covariance Structure Analysis with WLS
A collection of functions for conducting meta-analysis using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach via the 'OpenMx' and 'lavaan' packages. It also implements various procedures to perform meta-analytic structural equation modeling on the correlation and covariance matrices, see Cheung (2015) <doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01521>.