plot_dominance function

Dominance plot

Dominance plot

Plots the (relative) contribution of the individual GAMs to each data point on a given axis. It shows whether and how parts of the axis are dominated by certain individual GAMs.

plot_dominance(x, term = NULL, relative = TRUE, width = NULL)


  • x: Object returned by metagam.
  • term: Character specifying which smooth term to plot. Default to NULL which means that the first term (in alphabetic order) is taken.
  • relative: Logical specifying whether to have relative or absolute scales. Defaults to TRUE.
  • width: Width of bars. Default to NULL, which means it is automatically determined based on the minimum grid spacing in x.


A ggplot object.


# See the vignette, either at # or by typing the following in the console: # vignette("Dominance")