Umbrella Review Package for R
Add evidence classes to umbrella objects
Remove evidence classes from an object of class umbrella
Perform some tests for excess of significance
Forest plots for data.frame objects
Forest plots for objects of class umbrella or data.frame
Forest plots for umbrella objects
metaumbrella: An Umbrella Review Package for R
Overlap in primary studies across reviews
Print a summary of an object of class umbrella
Create a subset of an object of class umbrella
Synthesize information of an object of class umbrella in a dataframe
Graphical User Interface for conducting an umbrella review
Conduct the calculations for an umbrella review
Automatically conduct an umbrella review and export results outside of...
Union of two objects of class umbrella
Detect incorrect formatting of a dataset
A comprehensive range of facilities to perform umbrella reviews with stratification of the evidence in R. The package accomplishes this aim by building on three core functions that: (i) automatically perform all required calculations in an umbrella review (including but not limited to meta-analyses), (ii) stratify evidence according to various classification criteria, and (iii) generate a visual representation of the results. Note that if you are not familiar with R, the core features of this package are available from a web browser (<>).