Analysis of Multivariate Event Times
Aalen frailty model
Fast additive hazards model with robust standard errors
Convert to timereg object
Plotting the baslines of stratified Cox
Estimation of concordance in bivariate competing risks data
Augmentation for Binomial regression based on stratified NPMLE Cif (Aa...
Fits Clayton-Oakes or bivariate Plackett (OR) models for binary data u...
Binomial Regression for censored competing risks data
Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data using Binom...
Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and marginal e...
G-estimator for binomial regression model (Standardized estimates)
2 Stage Randomization for Survival Data or competing Risks Data
Bivariate Probit model
Block sampling
Wild bootstrap for Cox PH regression
Liability model for twin data
Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and marginal e...
Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and marginal e...
Cumulative incidence with robust standard errors
CIF regression
Clayton-Oakes model with piece-wise constant hazards
Finds subjects related to same cluster
Concordance Computes concordance and casewise concordance
Cross-odds-ratio, OR or RR risk regression for competing risks
Counts the number of previous events of two types for recurrent events...
Estimation of covariance for bivariate recurrent events with terminal ...
aggregating for for data frames
Derivatives of the bivariate normal cumulative distribution function
Calculate summary statistics grouped by
summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
Split a data set and run function
Split a data set and run function from timereg and aggregate
Lag operator
Double CIF Fine-Gray model with two causes
list, head, print, tail
Regression for data frames with dutility call
relev levels for data frames
Sort data frame
Simple linear spline
tables for data frames
Transform that allows condition
Fits two-stage binomial for describing depdendence in binomial data us...
Efficient IPCW for binary data
Relative risk for additive gamma model
Extract survival estimates from lifetable analysis
Event split with two time-scales, time and gaptime
Finds all pairs within a cluster (family)
Finds all pairs within a cluster (famly) with the proband (case/contro...
Fast approximation
Fast pattern
Fast reshape
Augmentation for Fine-Gray model based on stratified NPMLE Cif (Aalen-...
ghaplos haplo-types for subjects of haploX data
IPTW GLM, Inverse Probaibilty of Treatment Weighted GLM
GOF for Cox PH regression
Stratified baseline graphical GOF test for Cox covariates in PH regres...
GOF for Cox covariates in PH regression
GOF for Cox covariates in PH regression
Additive Random effects model for competing risks data for polygenetic...
Discrete time to event haplo type analysis
For internal use
Discrete time to event interval censored data
Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights
Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights
Kaplan-Meier with robust standard errors
Life-course plot
Life table
Simple linear spline
Proportional odds survival model
Mediation analysis in survival context
Computes mediation weights
Analysis of Multivariate Events
Set global options for mets
Migraine data
Multinomial regression based on phreg regression
Multivariate Cumulative Incidence Function example data set
np data set
Fast Cox PH regression
IPTW Cox, Inverse Probaibilty of Treatment Weighted Cox regression
Lu-Tsiatis More Efficient Log-Rank for Randomized studies with baselin...
Fast Cox PH regression and calculations done in R to make play and adj...
plack Computes concordance for or.cif based model, that is Plackett ra...
Multivariate normal distribution function
Predictions from proportional hazards model
prints Concordance test
Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events p...
Random effects model for competing risks data
Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard model (Cox).
Piecewise constant hazard distribution
Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard models with two causes (Cox).
Recurrent events regression with terminal event
Fast recurrent marginal mean when death is possible
Objects exported from other packages
Restricted mean for stratified Kaplan-Meier or Cox model with martinga...
Average Treatment effect for Restricted Mean for censored competing ri...
Restricted IPCW mean for censored survival data
Piecewise constant hazard distribution
Simulation of cause specific from Cox models.
Simulation of output from Cumulative incidence regression model
Simulation of output from Cox model.
Simulate from the Aalen Frailty model
Simulate from the Clayton-Oakes frailty model
Simulate from the Clayton-Oakes frailty model
Simulation of illness-death model
Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards II
Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards: Two-s...
Summary for dependence models for competing risks
Reporting OR (exp(coef)) from glm with binomial link and glm predictio...
Twostage survival model for multivariate survival data
G-estimator for Cox and Fine-Gray model
Concordance test Compares two concordance estimates
Estimate parameters from odds-ratio
Estimation of twostage model with cluster truncation in bivariate situ...
BMI data set
Classic twin model for quantitative traits
Simulate twin data
Stutter data set
Twostage survival model fitted by pseudo MLE
Implementation of various statistical models for multivariate event history data <doi:10.1007/s10985-013-9244-x>. Including multivariate cumulative incidence models <doi:10.1002/sim.6016>, and bivariate random effects probit models (Liability models) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2015.01.014>. Modern methods for survival analysis, including regression modelling (Cox, Fine-Gray, Ghosh-Lin, Binomial regression) with fast computation of influence functions.