Modelling of Extreme Values
Generate from bilogistic , where is the probabil...
Generate from Brown-Resnick process , where is p...
Generate from extremal Dirichlet , where is the ...
Generate from extremal Dirichlet , where is the ...
Generate from extremal Student-t , where is prob...
Generate from extremal Husler-Reiss distribution , where...
Generate from logistic , where is probability of...
Generate from negative logistic , where is proba...
Samples from exceedances at site (scaled extremal function definition)
Generate from Smith model (moving maxima) , where $P_{x}...
Generates from , the spectral measure of the Smith model (moving m...
Generates from , the spectral measure of the weighted Dirichlet mo...
Generates from , the spectral measure of the weighted exponential ...
Algebraic score
Weighted empirical distribution function
Cox-Snell first order bias for the GEV distribution
Firth's modified score equation for the generalized extreme value dist...
Information matrix for the generalized extreme value distribution
log likelihood for the generalized extreme value distribution
Generalized extreme value maximum likelihood estimates for various qua...
N-year return levels, median and mean estimate
Profile log-likelihood for the generalized extreme value distribution
Generalized extreme value distribution
Return level for the generalized extreme value distribution
Score vector for the generalized extreme value distribution
Tangent exponential model approximation for the GEV distribution
Tangent exponential model statistics for the generalized extreme value...
Observed information matrix for GEV distribution (return levels)
Negative log likelihood of the generalized extreme value distribution ...
Transform variogram matrix to covariance of conditional random field
Log-likelihood of Poisson process of threshold exceedances
Rank-based transformation to angular measure
Posterior predictive distribution and density for the GEV distribution
Maximum likelihood method for the generalized Pareto Model
Is the matrix conditionally negative semi-definite? Function adapted f...
Joint maximum likelihood estimation for exponential model
Bivariate angular dependence function for extrapolation based on rays
Dirichlet mixture smoothing of the angular measure
Automated mean residual life plots
Parametric estimates of
Censored likelihood for multivariate peaks over threshold models
Generates from , the spectral measure of the logistic model
Confidence intervals for profile likelihood objects
Threshold selection via coefficient of variation
Distance matrix with geometric anisotropy
Contrast matrix
Algebraic calculation of the expected information
GP fitting function of Grimshaw (1993)
Robust threshold selection of Dupuis
Joint maximum likelihood for the non-homogeneous Poisson Process
Internal function
Multivariate Normal distribution sampler (Rcpp version), derived using...
Generates from , the spectral measure of the bilogistic model
Generates from , the spectral measure of the Brown-Resnick model
Generates from , the spectral measure of the Dirichlet mixture mod...
Generates from , the spectral measure of the extremal Dirichlet mo...
Generates from , the spectral measure of the extremal Student mode...
Generates from , the spectral measure of the Husler-Reiss model
Multivariate extreme value distribution sampling algorithm via angular...
Multivariate extreme value distribution sampling algorithm via extrema...
Random samples from asymmetric logistic distribution
Random sampling from spectral distribution on l1 sphere
Generates from , the spectral measure of the negative logistic mod...
Generates from , the spectral measure of the pairwise Beta model
Generates from , the spectral measure of the pairwise exponential ...
Extended generalised Pareto families of Papastathopoulos and Tawn (fun...
Fit of extended GP models and parameter stability plots
Deprecated function for parameter stability plots
Extended generalised Pareto families
Fit an extended generalized Pareto distribution of Naveau et al.
Self-concordant empirical likelihood for a vector mean
Fit an extended generalized Pareto distribution of Naveau et al.
Exponent measure for multivariate generalized Pareto distributions
Extremal index estimators based on interexceedance time and gap of exc...
Estimators of the extremal coefficient
Extended GP functions
Carrier distribution for the extended GP distributions of Naveau et al...
Extended generalised Pareto families of Naveau et al. (2016)
Pairwise extremogram for max-risk functional
Parameter stability plot and maximum likelihood routine for extended G...
Maximum likelihood estimation for the generalized extreme value distri...
Maximum likelihood estimation for the generalized Pareto distribution
Maximum likelihood estimation of the point process of extremes
Maximum likelihood estimates of point process for the r-largest observ...
Asymptotic bias of block maxima for fixed sample sizes
Bias correction for GEV distribution
Generalized extreme value distribution
Information matrix of the generalized extreme value distribution (quan...
Negative log likelihood of the generalized extreme value distribution ...
This function returns the mean of N observations from the GEV.
Generalized extreme value distribution (quantile/mean of N-block maxim...
Score of the generalized extreme value distribution (quantile/mean of ...
Tangent exponential model statistics for the generalized Pareto distri...
Generalized extreme value distribution (return level parametrization)
Score of the log likelihood for the GEV distribution (return levels)
Tangent exponential model statistics for the GEV distribution (return ...
Maximum likelihood estimate of generalized Pareto applied to threshold...
Asymptotic bias of threshold exceedances for k order statistics
Bias correction for GP distribution
Tangent exponential model statistics for the generalized Pareto distri...
Cox-Snell first order bias expression for the generalized Pareto distr...
Bootstrap approximation for generalized Pareto parameters
Firth's modified score equation for the generalized Pareto distributio...
Information matrix for the generalized Pareto distribution
Log likelihood for the generalized Pareto distribution
Generalized Pareto maximum likelihood estimates for various quantities...
Profile log-likelihood for the generalized Pareto distribution
Negative log likelihood of the generalized Pareto distribution (return...
Generalized Pareto distribution
Score vector for the generalized Pareto distribution
Tangent exponential model approximation for the GP distribution
Tangent exponential model statistics for the generalized Pareto distri...
Observed information matrix for the GP distribution (expected shortfal...
Negative log likelihood of the generalized Pareto distribution (expect...
Generalized Pareto distribution (expected shortfall parametrization)
Score vector for the GP distribution (expected shortfall)
Generalized Pareto distribution
Information matrix of the generalized Pareto distribution (mean of max...
Negative log likelihood of the generalized Pareto distribution (mean o...
This function returns the mean of N maxima from the GP.
This function returns the qth percentile of N maxima from the GP.
Generalized Pareto distribution (mean of maximum of N exceedances para...
Score vector of the generalized Pareto distribution (mean of maximum o...
Tangent exponential model statistics for the generalized Pareto distri...
Observed information matrix for GP distribution (return levels)
Generalized Pareto distribution (return level parametrization)
Score of the profile log likelihood for the GP distribution (return le...
Tangent exponential model statistics for the generalized Pareto distri...
Transformation from the generalized Pareto to unit Pareto
Interpret bivariate threshold exceedance models
Information matrix test statistic and MLE for the extremal index
Intensity function for the Brown-Resnick model
Intensity function for the extremal Student model
Jacobian of the transformation from generalized Pareto to unit Pareto ...
Estimation of the bivariate angular dependence function of Wadsworth a...
Likelihood for multivariate peaks over threshold models
P-P plot for testing max stability
Multivariate Normal distribution sampler
Score and likelihood ratio tests fit of equality of shape over multipl...
Extreme U-statistic Pickands estimator
Plot of (modified) profile likelihood
Plot of tangent exponential model profile likelihood
Power variogram model
Power exponential correlation model
Information matrix for the Poisson process likelihood
Poisson process of extremes.
Score vector for the Poisson process of threshold exceedances
Random variate generation for Dirichlet distribution on
Simulation from generalized R-Pareto processes
Information matrix for the r-largest observations.
Log-likelihood of the point process of r-largest observations
Distribution of the r-largest observations
Score of the r-largest observations
Exact simulations of multivariate extreme value distributions
Random samples from spectral distributions of multivariate extreme val...
Simulation from R-Pareto processes
Simulation from Pareto processes using composition sampling
Simulation of generalized Huesler-Reiss Pareto vectors via composition...
Simulate r-largest observations from point process of extremes
Variogram model of Schlather and Moreva
Ramos and Ledford test of independence
Smith's third penultimate approximation
Smith's penultimate approximations
Spline correction for Fraser-Reid approximations
Semi-parametric marginal transformation to uniform
Coefficient of tail correlation and tail dependence
Bridging the singularity for higher order asymptotics
Parameter stability plots for peaks-over-threshold
Metric-based threshold selection
Wadsworth's univariate and bivariate exponential threshold diagnostics
Coefficient of extremal asymmetry
Various tools for the analysis of univariate, multivariate and functional extremes. Exact simulation from max-stable processes [Dombry, Engelke and Oesting (2016) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asw008>, R-Pareto processes for various parametric models, including Brown-Resnick (Wadsworth and Tawn, 2014, <doi:10.1093/biomet/ast042>) and Extremal Student (Thibaud and Opitz, 2015, <doi:10.1093/biomet/asv045>). Threshold selection methods, including Wadsworth (2016) <doi:10.1080/00401706.2014.998345>, and Northrop and Coleman (2014) <doi:10.1007/s10687-014-0183-z>. Multivariate extreme diagnostics. Estimation and likelihoods for univariate extremes, e.g., Coles (2001) <doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3675-0>.
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