translogCalc function

Calculate dependent variable of a translog function

Calculate dependent variable of a translog function

Calculate the dependent variable of a translog function.

translogCalc( xNames, data, coef, shifterNames = NULL, dataLogged = FALSE )


  • xNames: a vector of strings containing the names of the independent variables.

  • data: dataframe containing the data.

  • coef: vector containing all coefficients: if there are n exogenous variables in xNames

    and m shifter variables in shifterNames, the n+1 alpha coefficients must have names a_0, , a_n, the n*(n+1)/2 beta coefficients must have names b_1_1, , b_1_n, , b_n_n, and the m delta coefficients must have names d_1, , d_m

    (only the elements of the upper right triangle of the beta matrix are directly obtained from coef; the elements of the lower left triangle are obtained by assuming symmetry of the beta matrix).

  • shifterNames: a vector of strings containing the names of the independent variables that should be included as shifters only (not in quadratic or interaction terms).

  • dataLogged: logical. Are the values in data already logged?


A vector containing the endogenous variable. If the inputs are provided as logarithmic values (argument dataLogged is TRUE), the endogenous variable is returned as logarithm; non-logarithmic values are returned otherwise.

See Also

translogEst and translogDeriv.


Arne Henningsen


data( germanFarms ) # output quantity: germanFarms$qOutput <- germanFarms$vOutput / germanFarms$pOutput # quantity of variable inputs germanFarms$qVarInput <- germanFarms$vVarInput / germanFarms$pVarInput # a time trend to account for technical progress: germanFarms$time <- c(1:20) # estimate a Translog production function estResult <- translogEst( "qOutput", c( "qLabor", "land", "qVarInput", "time" ), germanFarms ) translogCalc( c( "qLabor", "land", "qVarInput", "time" ), germanFarms, coef( estResult ) ) #equal to estResult$fitted