priceNames: a vector of strings containing the names of netput prices.
fixNames: an optional vector of strings containing the names of the quantities of (quasi-)fix inputs.
data: a data frame containing the data.
weights: vector of weights of the prices for normalization.
quantNames: optional vector of strings containing the names of netput quantities.
scalingFactors: factors to scale prices (and quantities).
coef: a list containing the coefficients alpha, beta, delta and gamma.
form: the functional form to be estimated (see snqProfitEst).
a data frame: the first n columns are the netput quantities, the last column is the profit.
Diewert, W.E. and T.J. Wales (1987) Flexible functional forms and global curvature conditions. Econometrica, 55, p. 43-68.
Diewert, W.E. and T.J. Wales (1992) Quadratic Spline Models for Producer's Supply and Demand Functions. International Economic Review, 33, p. 705-722.
Kohli, U.R. (1993) A symmetric normalized quadratic GNP function and the US demand for imports and supply of exports. International Economic Review, 34, p. 243-255.