snqProfitHessianDeriv function

SNQ Profit function: Derivatives of the Hessian

SNQ Profit function: Derivatives of the Hessian

Returns the matrix of derivatives of the vector of linear independent values of the Hessian with respect to the vector of the linear independent coefficients.

snqProfitHessianDeriv( prices, weights, nFix = 0, form = 0 )


  • prices: vector of netput prices at which the derivatives should be calculated.
  • weights: vector of weights for normalizing prices.
  • nFix: number of (quasi-)fix inputs.
  • form: the functional form to be estimated (see snqProfitEst).

See Also



Arne Henningsen


# just a stupid simple example snqProfitHessianDeriv( c(1,2,3),c(0.4,0.3,0.3) ) # now with real data if( requireNamespace( 'micEcon', quietly = TRUE ) ) { data( germanFarms, package = "micEcon" ) germanFarms$qOutput <- germanFarms$vOutput / germanFarms$pOutput germanFarms$qVarInput <- -germanFarms$vVarInput / germanFarms$pVarInput germanFarms$qLabor <- -germanFarms$qLabor germanFarms$time <- c( 0:19 ) priceNames <- c( "pOutput", "pVarInput", "pLabor" ) quantNames <- c( "qOutput", "qVarInput", "qLabor" ) estResult <- snqProfitEst( priceNames, quantNames, c("land","time"), data=germanFarms ) snqProfitHessianDeriv( estResult$pMean, estResult$weights, 2 ) }