Select the model based on given information criteria
Select the model based on given information criteria
Selects the model with minimum of given information criteria and model type
modsel( x, IC = x$IC[1], test = x$test[1], type = c("restricted","unrestricted"), print =TRUE)
x: a midas_r_ic_table object
IC: the name of information criteria to base the choosing of the model
test: the name of the test for which to print out the p-value
type: the type of MIDAS model, either restricted or unrestricted
print: logical, if TRUE, prints the summary of the best model.
(invisibly) the best model based on information criteria, midas_r object
This function selects the model from the model selection table for which the chosen information criteria achieves the smallest value. The function works with model tables produced by functions lf_lags_table , hf_lags_table , amidas_table and midas_r_ic_table .