check_inputs function

Check the inputs to the estimate function

Check the inputs to the estimate function

This function checks the start_vlaues, data, availabilities, draws and fixedparams for validity. If this function runs without error, then the inputs are valid for the maxLikelihood function. These checks are important, because an error in the internal C++ code will cause the Rstudio session to crash. Incidentally, if there is concern of this happening, it is recommended to run the script from the command line, using Rscript.

check_inputs( model_spec, start_values, data, availabilities, draws, fixedparam, weights )


  • model_spec: The specified Model
  • start_values: Named vector of proposed start values for the model
  • data: the dataset on which to estimate
  • availabilities: The availabilities for the alternatives in the model specification
  • draws: The matrix of random draws
  • fixedparam: Named vector of parameters to be fixed
  • weights: The weights vector



  • Maintainer: Joseph Molloy
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-02-07