utilities function

Return the the utilities for a set of coefficients

Return the the utilities for a set of coefficients

utilities(model_spec, beta, data, availabilities, draws, nDraws)


  • model_spec: The generated model_spec.
  • beta: The coefficients to use in the model when estimating the utilities.
  • data: The dataframe of observations.
  • availabilities: The availabilities of each alternative.
  • draws: For mixed models, a matrix of draws. If none is provided, one is created.
  • nDraws: The number of draws to use or generated.


Dataframe of utilties for each observation


data("Train", package="mlogit") Train$ID <- Train$id Train$CHOICE <- as.numeric(Train$choice) est <- stats::setNames(c(1,1,1,1), c("B_price", "B_time", "B_timeB", "B_change")) availabilities <- mixl::generate_default_availabilities(Train, 2) Nindividuals <- length(unique(Train$ID)) utility_script <- " U_A = @B_price * $price_A / 1000 + @B_time * $time_A / 60 + @B_change * $change_A; U_B = @B_price * $price_B / 1000 + @B_timeB * $time_B / 60 ; " model_spec <- mixl::specify_model(utility_script, Train) utilities_matrix = mixl::utilities(model_spec, est, Train, availabilities, NULL) utilities_matrix
  • Maintainer: Joseph Molloy
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-02-07