These method function returns the terms object that defines meta-analytical models represented in objects of class "mixmeta".
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta'terms(x, type="fixed",...)
x: an object of class "mixmeta".
type: the type of terms. Either "fixed" or "full". See Details.
...: further arguments passed to or from other methods.
The terms object is produced by mixmeta when fitting the meta-analytical model, and stored as an attribute of the model.frame. Note that this object consists of terms for both the fixed and random-effects parts, the latter including also the grouping factors.
By using the default type="fixed", this method function removes the random-effects terms. This can then be used, for instance, for creating the model.matrix for the fixed effects. Otherwise with type="full", the full set of terms is returned.
An object of class c("terms","formula") which contains the terms representation of a symbolic meta-analytical model. See terms.object for its structure.
# RUN A MODELmodel <- mixmeta(effect, var, random=~1|district/study, data=school)# TERMS (FIXED AND FULL)terms(model)terms(model,"full")attr(model.frame(model),"terms")