Fitting Finite Mixture of Scale Mixture of Skew-Normal Distributions
Body Mass Index
Old Faithful Geyser Data
Information matrix
Information matrix
Print the selected groups with contours
Estimated densities
Estimated densities
Plot lines of smsn densities
Printing mix object
Random univariate FM-SMSN generator
Random multivariate FM-SMSN generator
Fit univariate FM-SMSN distribution
Fit multivariate FM-SMSN distributions.
Find the best number of cluster for a determined data set.
Functions to fit finite mixture of scale mixture of skew-normal (FM-SMSN) distributions, details in Prates, Lachos and Cabral (2013) <doi: 10.18637/jss.v054.i12>, Cabral, Lachos and Prates (2012) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2011.06.026> and Basso, Lachos, Cabral and Ghosh (2010) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2009.09.031>.