Exploratory Data Analysis and Manipulation of Multi-Label Data Sets
Generates a label concurrence report
Checks if two mldr objects have the same structure
Multi-label averaged evaluation metrics
Multi-label evaluation metrics
Multi-label ranking-based evaluation metrics
Provides data about interactions between labels
Creates an object representing a multilabel dataset
Evaluate predictions made by a multilabel classifier
Generates an mldr object from a data.frame and a vector with label ind...
Label matrix of an MLD
Transformns an MLDR into binary or multiclass datasets
Launches the web-based GUI for mldr
Generates graphic representations of an mldr object
Generates a new mldr object joining the rows in the two mldrs given as...
Prints the mldr content
Read an ARFF file
Decouples highly imbalanced labels
ROC curve
Filter rows in amldr
returning a new mldr
Provides a summary of measures about the mldr
Write an "mldr"
object to a file
Exploratory data analysis and manipulation functions for multi- label data sets along with an interactive Shiny application to ease their use.