## S3 method for class 'pmforest'varimp( object, nperm =1L, OOB =TRUE, risk =function(x,...)-objfun(x, sum =TRUE,...), conditional =FALSE, threshold =0.2,...)
nperm: the number of permutations performed.
OOB: a logical determining whether the importance is computed from the out-of-bag sample or the learning sample (not suggested).
risk: the risk to be evaluated. By default the objective function (e.g. log-Likelihood) is used.
conditional: a logical determining whether unconditional or conditional computation of the importance is performed.
threshold: the value of the test statistic or 1 - p-value of the association between the variable of interest and a covariate that must be exceeded inorder to include the covariate in the conditioning scheme for the variable of interest (only relevant if conditional = TRUE).
...: passed on to objfun.
A vector of 'mean decrease in accuracy' importance scores.