Statistical Methods for Analysing Multivariate Abundance Data
Analysis of Deviance for Many Univariate Models Fitted to Multivariate...
Analysis of Deviance for Multivariate Generalized Linear Model Fits fo...
ANOVA for Linear Model Fits for Multivariate Abundance Data
Testing for a environment-by-trait (fourth corner) interaction by anal...
Use R^2 to find the variables that best explain a multivariate respons...
Boxplots for multivariate abundance Data
Plots the coefficients of the covariates of a manyglm object with conf...
Fits a path of Generalised Linear Models with LASSO (or L1) penalties,...
Model Deviance
Extend a Formula to all of it's Terms
Create a List of Univariate Formulas
Fits a Generalised Linear Models with a LASSO (or L1) penalty, given a...
Fits a path of Generalised Linear Models with LASSO (or L1) penalties,...
Calculate the Log Likelihood
Fitting Many Univariate Models to Multivariate Abundance Data
Fitting Generalized Linear Models for Multivariate Abundance Data
workhose functions for fitting multivariate linear models
Fitting Linear Models for Multivariate Abundance Data
Construct Mean-Variance plots for Multivariate Abundance Data
Internal mvabund Objects
Statistical methods for analysing multivariate abundance data
Multivariate Abundance Data Objects
Model Formulae for Multivariate Abundance Data
Plot Diagnostics for a manyany or glm1path Object
Plot Diagnostics for a manylm or a manyglm Object
Plot Multivariate Abundance Data and Formulae
Draw a Mvabund Object split into groups.
Predict Method for MANYGLM Fits
Model Predictions for Multivariate Linear Models
Predictions from fourth corner model fits
Estimation of the ridge parameter
Calculate a shift for plotting overlapping points
Summarizing Multivariate Generalized Linear Model Fits for Abundance D...
Summarizing Linear Model Fits for Multivariate Abundance Data
Fits a fourth corner model for abundance as a function of environmenta...
Remove the mvabund Class Attribute
A set of tools for displaying, modeling and analysing multivariate abundance data in community ecology. See 'mvabund-package.Rd' for details of overall package organization. The package is implemented with the Gnu Scientific Library (<>) and 'Rcpp' (<>) 'R' / 'C++' classes.