This function produces another summary of a data.frame. This function was proposed in order to apply some functions globally on a data.frame: quantile, median, min and max. The usual R
version cannot do so.
moreStats(x, quantile =0.95, show =FALSE)
x: numeric: matrix or data.frame
quantile: numeric: quantile of the distribution
show: logical: if TRUE prints the quantile choosen
numeric: data.frame of statistics: mean, median, quantile, standard deviation, minimum and maximum
## ................................................## GENERATION OF A MATRIX OF 100 OBSERVATIONS AND 10 VARIABLESx <- matrix(rnorm(1000),ncol=10)## STATISTICSres <- moreStats(x, quantile=0.05, show=TRUE)res
See Also
plotuScree, nScree, plotnScree, plotParallel
Gilles Raiche
Centre sur les Applications des Modeles de Reponses aux Items (CAMRI)