Get POWER global meteorology and surface solar energy climatology data and return a tidy data frame tibble::tibble()
object. All options offered by the official POWER API
are supported. Requests are formed to submit one request per point. There is no need to make synchronous requests for multiple parameters for a single point or regional request. See section on Rate Limiting
community: A case-insensitive character vector providing community name: AG , RE or SB . See argument details for more.
pars: case-insensitive character vector of solar, meteorological or climatology parameters to download. When requesting a single point of x, y coordinates, a maximum of twenty (20) pars can be specified at one time, for daily , monthly and climatology
temporal_apis. If the temporal_api is specified as hourly
only 15 pars can be specified in a single query. See temporal_api for more. These values are checked internally for validity before sending the query to the POWER API .
temporal_api: A case-insensitive character vector providing the temporal API end-point for data being queried, supported values are hourly , daily , monthly or climatology . Defaults to daily . See argument details for more.
lonlat: A numeric vector of geographic coordinates for a cell or region entered as x, y (longitude, latitude) coordinates. See argument details for more.
dates: A character vector of start and end dates in that order,
e.g., dates = c("1983-01-01", "2017-12-31"). Not used when
temporal_api is set to climatology . See argument details for more.
site_elevation: A user-supplied value for elevation at a single point in metres. If provided this will return a corrected atmospheric pressure value adjusted to the elevation provided. Only used with lonlat as a single point of x, y coordinates, not for use with global or with a regional request.
wind_elevation: A user-supplied value for elevation at a single point in metres. Wind Elevation values are required to be between 10 and 300 metres. Only used with lonlat as a single point of x, y coordinates, not for use with global or with a regional request. If this parameter is provided, the wind_surface parameter is required with the request, see
wind_surface: A user-supplied wind surface for which the corrected wind-speed is to be supplied. See wind-surface section for more detail.
time_standard: POWER provides two different time standards.
Universal Time Coordinated (UTC ): is the standard time measure that used by the world.
Local Solar Time (LST ): A 15 degree swath that represents solar noon at the middle longitude of the swath. Defaults to LST.
A data frame as a POWER.Info class, an extension of the tibble::tibble , object of POWER data including location, dates (not including climatology ) and requested parameters; a decorative header of metadata is included in this object.
The associated metadata shown in the decorative header are not saved if the data are exported to a file format other than a native data format, e.g., .Rdata, .rda or .rds.
Argument details for community
There are three valid values, one must be supplied. This will affect the units of the parameter and the temporal display of time series data.
ag: Provides access to the Agroclimatology Archive, which contains industry-friendly parameters formatted for input to crop models.
sb: Provides access to the Sustainable Buildings Archive, which contains industry-friendly parameters for the buildings community to include parameters in multi-year monthly averages.
re: Provides access to the Renewable Energy Archive, which contains parameters specifically tailored to assist in the design of solar and wind powered renewable energy systems.
Argument details for temporal_api
There are four valid values.
hourly: The hourly average of pars by hour, day, month and year, the time zone is LST by default.
daily: The daily average of pars by day, month and year.
monthly: The monthly average of pars by month and year.
climatology: Provide parameters as 22-year climatologies (solar) and 30-year climatologies (meteorology); the period climatology and monthly average, maximum, and/or minimum values.
Argument details for lonlat
For a single point: To get a specific cell, 1/2 x 1/2 degree, supply a length-two numeric vector giving the decimal degree longitude and latitude in that order for data to download,
**e.g.**, `lonlat = c(-179.5, -89.5)`.
For regional coverage: To get a region, supply a length-four numeric vector as lower left (lon, lat) and upper right (lon, lat) coordinates, e.g., lonlat = c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) in that order for a given region, e.g., a bounding box for the south western corner of Australia: lonlat = c(112.5, -55.5, 115.5, -50.5). *Maximum area processed is 4.5 x 4.5 degrees (100 points).
For global coverage: To get global coverage for climatology , supply global while also specifying climatology for the temporal_api.
Argument details for dates
if one date only is provided, it will be treated as both the start date and the end date and only a single day's values will be returned, e.g., dates = "1983-01-01". When temporal_api is set to MONTHLY , use only two year values (YYYY), e.g.dates = c(1983, 2010). This argument should not be used when temporal_api is set to climatology and will be ignored if set.
There are 17 surfaces that may be used for corrected wind-speed values using the following equation:
vegtype_12: Crop: 20-m broadleaf-deciduous trees (10%) & wheat
vegtype_20: Rough glacial snow/ice
seaice: Smooth sea ice
openwater: Open water
airportice: Airport: flat ice/snow
airportgrass: Airport: flat rough grass
Rate limiting
The POWER API endpoints limit queries to prevent server overloads due to repetitive and rapid requests. If you find that the API is throttling your queries, I suggest that you investigate the use of limit_rate() from list("ratelimitr") to create self-limiting functions that will respect the rate limits that the API has in place. It is considered best practice to check the POWER website for the latest rate limits as they differ between temporal API s and may change over time as the project matures.
# Fetch daily "AG" community temperature, relative humidity and# precipitation for January 1 1985 at Kingsthorpe, Queensland, Australiaag_d <- get_power( community ="AG", lonlat = c(151.81,-27.48), pars = c("RH2M","T2M","PRECTOTCORR"), dates ="1985-01-01", temporal_api ="daily")
# Fetch single point climatology for air temperatureag_c_point <- get_power( community ="AG", pars ="T2M", c(151.81,-27.48), temporal_api ="climatology")
# Fetch interannual solar cooking parameters for a given regionsse_i <- get_power( community ="RE", lonlat = c(112.5,-55.5,115.5,-50.5), dates = c("1984","1985"), temporal_api ="monthly", pars = c("CLRSKY_SFC_SW_DWN","ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN"))