Simulate fMRI Data
Balloon model
Double-gamma Haemodynamic reponse function
Single Gamma Haemodynamic response function.
Calculates a discrete Gaussian smoothing kernel (adopted from `Analyze...
Generate low frequency drift
Functions to Generate fMRI Data Including Activated Data, Noise Data a...
Generate physiological noise
The Rice Distribution
Simulate a GRF (adopted from AnalyzeFMRI
Prepare spatial structure of the data
Prepare temporal structure of the data
Simulate fMRI time series
Simulate fMRI resting state time series
Simulate 3D or 4D fMRI data
Generate spatially correlated noise
Generate design matrix.
Generate activation image
Generate a stimulus boxcar function.
Generate system noise
Generate task-related noise
Generate temporally correlated noise
Generates functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) time series or 4D data. Some high-level functions are created for fast data generation with only a few arguments and a diversity of functions to define activation and noise. For more advanced users it is possible to use the low-level functions and manipulate the arguments. See Welvaert et al. (2011) <doi:10.18637/jss.v044.i10>.