Tools for Working with the National Hydrography Dataset
Convert a bounding box to polygon
Return nhd plus stream network upstream of a waterbody
Find VPU
Data and spatial polygons of the Great Lakes
Return leaf reaches from a network or query intersecting lake
Download and cache NHD data by state
Return NHD layer metadata and field listing
List available locally cached NHD layers per state
Load NHD layers into current session
Download and cache NHDplus data by vector processing unit
Return NHDplus layer metadata and field listing
List available locally cached NHDplus layers per state
Load NHDplus layers into current session
Select NHDplus features via polygon or circular buffer of coordinate p...
Select NHD features clipped by a circular buffer a coordinate pair
R interface to the National Hydrography Dataset
Select features clipped by a point buffer around a point
Select features clipped by a polygon
Return terminal reaches from collection intersecting lake
Return tip reaches from a network
Re-project to appropriate UTM zone
Tools for working with the National Hydrography Dataset, with functions for querying, downloading, and networking both the NHD <> and NHDPlus <> datasets.