Bayesian Analyses of Radiocarbon Dates with NIMBLE
Logistic Growth Model
Logistic Growth Model (parametrisation with inflection point)
Trapezoidal Distribution
Linear interpolation function
Plot Growth Models
Plot SPD-based Posterior Predictive Check
Plot Marginal Posterior Distribution
Calculates correlation between observed and posterior generated SPD.
SPD-based Posterior Predictive Check
Logistic-Exponential Growth Model
Asymmetric Laplace Distribution
Double Exponential Growth Model
Exponential Growth Model
Exponential-Logistic Growth Model
Calculate Agreement Indices.
WAIC-based model comparison
Provides utility functions and custom probability distribution for Bayesian analyses of radiocarbon dates within the 'nimble' modelling framework. It includes various population growth models, nimbleFunction objects, as well as a suite of functions for prior and posterior predictive checks for demographic inference (Crema and Shoda (2021) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0251695>) and other analyses.