Visual Model Checking for Nonlinear Mixed Effect Model
The visual predictive checks using the additive quantile regression (a...
The average shifted visual predictive checks (asVPC)
The bootstrap visual predictive checks.
The detailed coverage plot
The coverage plot
Find the best cutoff values of binning for the visual predictive check...
Find quantiles of the original data.
Find quantiles of the simulated data using Rcpp
Find quantiles of the simulated data.
Discretise numeric data into categorical data
The numerical predictive checks
Find the optimal number of bins
The quantified visual predictive check plot (QVPC)
The original visual predictive check plot (VPC)
Various visual and numerical diagnosis methods for the nonlinear mixed effect model, including visual predictive checks, numerical predictive checks, and coverage plots (Karlsson and Holford, 2008, <>).