Generalized Laplace Mixed-Effects Models
Extract Generalized Mixed-Effects Models Coefficients
Simulate Data from Mixed-Effects Models
The Univariate Symmetric Generalized Laplace Distribution
The Laplace Distribution
Extract Log-Likelihood
Likelihood Ratio Test for Generalized Laplace Mixed-Effects Models
The Multivariate Asymmetric Generalized Laplace Distribution
The Multivariate Asymmetric Laplace Distribution
Internal nlmm objects
nlmm: Generalized Laplace Mixed-Effects Models
Fitting Generalized Laplace Mixed-Effects Models
Control parameters for nlmm estimation
Predictions from an nlmm
Print an nlmm
Print an nlmm
Summary Object
Extract Random Effects
Residuals from an nlmm
Summary for an nlmm
Extract Variance-Covariance Matrix
Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Generalized Laplace ...
Provides functions to fit linear mixed models based on convolutions of the generalized Laplace (GL) distribution. The GL mixed-effects model includes four special cases with normal random effects and normal errors (NN), normal random effects and Laplace errors (NL), Laplace random effects and normal errors (LN), and Laplace random effects and Laplace errors (LL). The methods are described in Geraci and Farcomeni (2020, Statistical Methods in Medical Research) <doi:10.1177/0962280220903763>.