Reconstruction of Transmission Chains from Surveillance Data
Pre cluster cases in groups according using the genotypes and the arbi...
outbreaker: main function for reconstructing disease outbreaks
Basic methods for processing outbreaker results
Process input data for outbreaker
Set and check parameter settings
Initializes outputs for outbreaker
Customise likelihood functions for o2geosocial
Customise samplers for outbreaker
Customise priors for outbreaker
Bayesian reconstruction of who infected whom during past outbreaks using routinely-collected surveillance data. Inference of transmission trees using genotype, age specific social contacts, distance between cases and onset dates of the reported cases. (Robert A, Kucharski AJ, Gastanaduy PA, Paul P, Funk S. (2020) <doi:10.1098/rsif.2020.0084>).
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