Plot recombination breakpoints counts for each individual
## S3 method for class 'onemap_progeny_haplotypes_counts' plot(x, by_homolog = FALSE, = NULL, ncol = NULL, ...)
: object of class onemap_progeny_haplotypes_countsby_homolog
: logical, if TRUE plots counts by homolog (two for each individuals), if FALSE plots total counts by
: integer defining the number of graphics to be plotted, they separate the individuals in different plotsncol
: integer defining the number of columns in plot...
: currently ignoreda ggplot graphic
data("onemap_example_out") twopts <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_out) lg1 <- make_seq(twopts, 1:5) <- map(lg1) prog.haplo <- progeny_haplotypes(, most_likely = TRUE) plot(progeny_haplotypes_counts(prog.haplo))