xpar: parameters to the user objective and gradient functions ffn and ggr
ffn: User-supplied objective function
ggr: User-supplied gradient function
trace: set >0 to provide output from grchk to the console, 0 otherwise
testtol: tolerance for equality tests
...: optional arguments passed to the objective function.
R (>= 2.6.1)
GPL Version 2.
numDeriv is used to numerically approximate the gradient of function ffn
and compare this to the result of function ggr.
grchk returns a single object gradOK which is TRUE if the differences between analytic and approximated gradient are small as measured by the tolerance testtol.
This has attributes "ga" and "gn" for the analytic and numerically approximated gradients, and "maxdiff" for the maximum absolute difference between these vectors.
At the time of preparation, there are no checks for validity of the gradient code in ggr as in the function fnchk.
John C. Nash
# Would like examples of success and failure. What about "near misses"?cat("Show how grchk works\n")require(numDeriv)# require(optimx)jones<-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] ff<-sin(x*x/2- y*y/4)*cos(2*x-exp(y)) ff<--ff
}jonesg <-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] gx <- cos(x * x/2- y * y/4)*((x + x)/2)* cos(2* x - exp(y))- sin(x * x/2- y * y/4)*(sin(2* x - exp(y))*2) gy <- sin(x * x/2- y * y/4)*(sin(2* x - exp(y))* exp(y))- cos(x * x/2- y * y/4)*((y + y)/4)* cos(2* x - exp(y)) gg <-- c(gx, gy)}jonesg2 <-function(xx){ gx <-1 gy <-2 gg <-- c(gx, gy)}xx <- c(1,2)gcans <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3))gcans
gcans2 <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg2, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3))gcans2