Download and Import Open Street Map Data Extracts
Clean download directory
Return the download directory used by the package
Download a file given a url
Get the path of .pbf and .gpkg files associated with an input OSM extr...
Get the administrative boundary for a given place
Return keys and (optionally) values stored in "other_tags" column
Import transport networks used by a specific mode of transport
Find, download, translate and read OSM extracts from several providers
Check patterns in the provider's databases
Match input place with a url
Summary of available providers
Read a .pbf or .gpkg object from file or url
Search for a place and return an sf data frame locating it
Update all the .osm.pbf files saved in a directory
Translate a .osm.pbf file into .gpkg format
osmextract: Download and Import Open Street Map Data Extracts
Read a .poly
Match, download, convert and import Open Street Map data extracts obtained from several providers.
Useful links