Constructs the cumulative binarized time series associated with a given ordinal time series
Constructs the cumulative binarized time series associated with a given ordinal time series
c_binarization constructs the cumulative binarized time series associated with a given ordinal time series.
c_binarization(series, states)
series: An OTS (numerical vector with integers).
states: A numeric vector containing the corresponding states.
The binarized time series.
Given an OTS of length T with range S={s0,s1,s2,…,sn} (s0<s1<s2<…<sn), Xt={X1,…,XT}, the function constructs the cumulative binarized time series, which is defined as Yt={Y1,…,YT}, with Yk=(Yk,0,Yk,1,…,Yk,n−1)⊤
such that Yk,i=1 if Xk≤si (c("k=1,ldots,T,\n", ",i=0,ldots,n−1")). The cumulative binarized series is constructed in the form of a matrix whose rows represent time observations and whose columns represent the states in the original series.
c_binarized_series <- c_binarization(AustrianWages$data[[100]],states =0:5)# Constructing the cumulative binarized# time series for one OTS in dataset AustrianWages