plot_ordinal_cohens_kappa function

Constructs a serial dependence plot based on the ordinal Cohen's kappa considering the block distance

Constructs a serial dependence plot based on the ordinal Cohen's kappa considering the block distance

plot_ordinal_cohens_kappa constructs a serial dependence plot of an ordinal time series based on the ordinal Cohen's kappa considering the block distance UTF-8

plot_ordinal_cohens_kappa( series, states, max_lag = 10, alpha = 0.05, plot = TRUE, title = "Serial dependence plot", bar_width = 0.12, ... )


  • series: An OTS.
  • states: A numerical vector containing the corresponding states.
  • max_lag: The maximum lag represented in the plot (default is 10).
  • alpha: The significance level for the corresponding hypothesis test (default is 0.05).
  • plot: Logical. If plot = TRUE (default), returns the serial dependence plot. Otherwise, returns a list with the values of the ordinal Cohens's kappa, the critical value and the corresponding p-values.
  • title: The title of the graph.
  • bar_width: The width of the corresponding bars.
  • ...: Additional parameters for the function.


If plot = TRUE (default), returns the serial dependence plot based on the ordinal Cohens's kappa. Otherwise, the function returns a list with the values of the ordinal Cohens's kappa, the critical value and the corresponding p-values.


Constructs a serial dependence plot based on the ordinal Cohens's kappa, κ^d(l)\widehat{\kappa}_d(l), for several lags, where dd is the block distance between ordinal states, that is, d(si,sj)=ijd(s_i, s_j)=|i-j| for two states sis_i and sjs_j. A dashed lined is incorporated indicating the critical value of the test based on the following asymptotic approximation (under the i.i.d. assumption):

Tdisp^d24k,l=0n1(f^min{k,l}f^kf^l)2(κ^d(l)+1T)N(0,1), \sqrt{\frac{T\widehat{disp}_d^2}{4\sum_{k,l=0}^{n-1}(\widehat{f}_{min\{k,l\}}-\widehat{f}_k\widehat{f}_l)^2}}\bigg(\widehat{\kappa}_d(l)+\frac{1}{T}\bigg)\sim N\big(0, 1\big),

where TT is the series length, fk^\widehat{f_k} is the estimated cumulative probability for state sks_k

and disp^d\widehat{disp}_d is the DIVC estimate of the dispersion.


plot_ock <- plot_ordinal_cohens_kappa(series = AustrianWages$data[[100]], states = 0 : 5, max_lag = 3) # Representing # the serial dependence plot list_ck <- plot_ordinal_cohens_kappa(series = AustrianWages$data[[100]], states = 0 : 5, max_lag = 3, plot = FALSE) # Obtaining # the values of the ordinal Cohens's kappa, the critical value and the p-values




Ángel López-Oriona, José A. Vilar

  • Maintainer: Angel Lopez-Oriona
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-03-01

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