A Dependency Management System for Projects and their R Package Dependencies
Install a local development package.
Install a Package from a Local Repository
Get / Set packrat lockfile metadata
Automatically Enter Packrat Mode on Startup
Managing External Libraries
Packrat Mode
Get/set packrat project options
Remove Packages from the Library
Disable the use of Packrat in a Project
Initialize Packrat on a new or existing project
Detect Application Dependencies
Bundle a Packrat Project
Packrat: Reproducible dependency management
Paths to Packrat Resources
Create a Local, CRAN-like Repository
Upload a Package to a Local CRAN-like Repository
Add a Repository
Apply the most recent snapshot to the library
Get Packages on the Search Path
Capture and store the packages and versions in use
Internal Snapshot Implementation
Show differences between the last snapshot and the library
Unbundle a Packrat Project
Find Unused Packages in a Project
Manage the R packages your project depends on in an isolated, portable, and reproducible way.