R-Mode vs Q-Mode Two-Way Cluster Analyses and Abundance Plot for Community Ecology Data
R-Mode vs Q-Mode Two-Way Cluster Analyses and Abundance Plot for Community Ecology Data
This mode plots both R-mode (across sites) and Q-mode (across taxa) dendrograms for a community ecology data set, with branches aligned with a grid of dots representing the relative abundance of taxa at each site in the dataset.
xDist: The pair-wise distance matrix for the cluster diagram drawn along the horizontal axis of the graphic. Should be a distance matrix, or a matrix that can be coerced to a distance matrix, for the same number of units as rows in propAbund.
yDist: The pair-wise distance matrix for the cluster diagram drawn along the vertical axis of the graphic. Should be a distance matrix, or a matrix that can be coerced to a distance matrix, for the same number of units as columns in propAbund.
propAbund: A matrix of abundance data, preferably relative abundance scaled as proportions of the total number of individuals at each site. This data determines the size scale of the taxon/site dots.
clustMethod: The agglomerative clustering method used, as with argument method with function hclust. clustMethod must be one of "average"
(the default method for this function, also known as average-linkage or as UPGMA), "ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "mcquitty" (also known as WPGMA), "median"
(also known as WPGMC) or "centroid" (also known as UPGMC).
marginBetween: Argument controlling space placed between the cluster diagrams and the abundance plot. Default is 0.1.
abundExpansion: An argument that is a multiplier controlling the size of dots plotted for reflecting relative abundance.
cex.axisLabels: Character expansion parameter for controlling the plotting of axis labels on the abundance dot-grid only.
trimChar: How many characters should the axis labels be trimmed to? Default is 5, which means only the first five letters of each taxon/site label will be shown on the dot-abundance plot.
xAxisLabel: The label placed on the horizontal axis of the plot.
yAxisLabel: The label placed on the vertical axis of the plot.
This function creates a plot, and returns nothing, not even invisible output.
You might be able to apply this to datasets that aren't community ecology datasets of proportional abundance, but I can't guarantee or even predict what will happen.
set.seed(1)# generate random community ecology data# using a Poisson distributiondata<-matrix(rpois(5*7,1),5,7)# get relative abundance, distance matricespropAbundMat<-t(apply(data,1,function(x) x/sum(x)))rownames(propAbundMat)<-paste0("site ",1:nrow(propAbundMat))colnames(propAbundMat)<-paste0("taxon ",1:ncol(propAbundMat))# for simplicity, let's calculate# the pairwise square chord distance# between sites and taxasquareChordDist<-function(mat){ res<-apply(mat,1,function(x) apply(mat,1,function(y) sum((sqrt(x)-sqrt(y))^2)))# res<-as.dist(res) return(res)}# its not a very popular distance metric# but it will do# quite popular in palynologysiteDist<-squareChordDist(propAbundMat)taxaDist<-squareChordDist(t(propAbundMat))dev.new(width=10)twoWayEcologyCluster( xDist = siteDist, yDist = taxaDist, propAbund = propAbundMat
)## Not run:# now let's try an example with the example kanto dataset# and use bray-curtis distance from veganlibrary(vegan)data(kanto)# get distance matrices for sites and taxa# based on bray-curtis dist# standardized to total abundance# standardize site matrix to relative abundancesiteStandKanto <- decostand(kanto, method ="total")# calculate site distance matrix (Bray-Curtis)siteDistKanto <- vegdist(siteStandKanto,"bray")# calculate taxa distance matrix (Bray-Curtis)# from transposed standardized site matrix taxaDistKanto <- vegdist(t(siteStandKanto),"bray")dev.new(width=10)twoWayEcologyCluster( xDist = siteDistKanto, yDist = taxaDistKanto, propAbund = siteStandKanto, cex.axisLabels =0.8)## End(Not run)
The function here was designed to emulate previous published 'two-way' cluster diagrams, particularly the one in Miller, 1988:
Miller, A. I. 1988. Spatial Resolution in Subfossil Molluscan Remains: Implications for Paleobiological Analyses. Paleobiology 14(1):91-103.
See Also
Several other functions for community ecology data in paleotree are described at the communityEcology help file. Also see the example dataset, kanto.