Interface to the Pan-STARRS API
Do a general search of the PS1 catalog (possibly without ra/dec/radius...
Check ra, dec params
Do a cone search of the PS1 catalog
Do a cross-match with PS1 catalog
Get color image at a sky position
Get grayscale image at a sky position
Get list of images
Get URL of images
Perform a MAST query.
Get the RA and Dec for an object using the MAST name resolver
Metadata from PS1
Get the RA and Dec for objects from PanSTARRS catalog.
Convert types.
Get preloaded metadata
Check legal
An interface to the API for 'Pan-STARRS1', a data archive of the PS1 wide-field astronomical survey. The package allows access to the PS1 catalog and to the PS1 images. (see <> for more information). You can use it to plan astronomical observations, make guidance pictures, find magnitudes in five broadband filters (g, r, i, z, y) and more.