riskfun function

Portfolio Risk Measures

Portfolio Risk Measures

Calculates a given portfolio risk/deviation measure given a set of weights and matrix of returns, possible representing a forecast scenario.

riskfun(weights, Data, risk = c("mad", "ev", "minimax", "cvar", "cdar", "lpm"), benchmark = NULL, alpha = 0.05, moment = 1, threshold = 0, VaR = NULL, DaR = NULL)


  • weights: vector of weights.

  • Data: Matrix of returns.

  • risk: Choice of measure.

  • benchmark: (Optional) vector of benchmark returns with same number of rows as Data.

  • alpha: The lower quantile for the cvar and cdar


  • moment: The lpm measure moment.

  • threshold: The lpm measure threshold. A value of 999 will subtract the portfolio mean.

  • VaR: (Optional) The pre-calculated VaR for the cvar measure.

  • DaR: (Optional) The pre-calculated DaR for the cdar measure.


A simple utility function for the calculation and understanding of some of the risk and deviation measures implemented in the package.


A numeric value representing the risk/deviation measure.


Alexios Galanos