Manipulate Time Series of Palaeoclimate Reconstructions
Download palaeoclimate reconstructions.
Download the ETOPO Global relief model
Download the paleoclim time series.
Download the worldclim future time series.
Download a WorldClim modern observations.
Documentation for the Example dataset
Generate file names to download the chelsa future dataset
Generate file names to download the chelsa present dataset
Generate file names to download the chelsa trace 21k
Generate file names to download the chelsa present dataset
Generate file names to download the WorldClim present dataset
Generate file names to download the WorldClim present dataset
Get the available datasets.
Get the biome classes for a dataset.
Get the data path where climate reconstructions are stored
Get the information about a dataset
Get the variables downloaded for each dataset.
Get the ice mask for a dataset.
Get the land mask for a dataset.
Get time steps for a given MIS
Get resolution of a given dataset
Get sea level estimate
Get time steps for a given dataset
Get the metadata for a variable in a given dataset.
Get a the varname for this variable
Get a list of variables for a given dataset.
Print help to console
Documentation for HYDE 3.3 dataset
Check the object is a valid region series
pastclim: Manipulate Time Series of Palaeoclimate Reconstructions
Read a raster for pastclim
Extract a time series of climate variables for a region
Check if var is available for this dataset.
Check that we have a valid pair of coordinate names
Check dataset and path_to_nc params
Check multiple time variables
Internal function to check whether we have downloaded a given variable...
Check whether variables exist in a netcdf file
Documentation for CHELSA 2.1
Documentation for CHELSA-TracCE21k
Clean the data path
Extract local climate for one or more locations for a given time slice...
Extract a climate slice for a region
Internal function to copy the example dataset when a new data path is ...
Extract data frame from a region series
Extract data frame from a region slice
Compute a raster of distances from the sea for each land pixel.
Coefficient of variation (expressed as percentage)
Download the CHELSA modern and future observations.
Download the CHELSA trace21k
Documentation for the Barreto et al 2023 dataset
Documentation for the Beyer2020 dataset
Compute bioclimatic variables
Check if dataset is available.
Reconstruct biomes based on the Köppen Geiger's classification
Documentation for the Krapp2021 dataset
List all the available datasets.
Load the dataset list
Load the ETOPO global relief
Extract a time series of bioclimatic variables for one or more locatio...
Extract local climate for one or more locations for a given time slice...
Extract local climate for one or more locations for a given time slice...
Create a binary mask
Downscale an ice mask
Create a land mask
Documentation for Paleoclim
Extract a climate slice for a region
Sample points from a region time series
Sample points from a region time slice
Sample the same locations from a region time series
Sample the different number of points from a region time series
Set the data path where climate reconstructions will be stored
Extract a slice for a time series of climate variables for a region
Extract and set time in years before present for SpatRaster and SpatRa...
Convert a time BP to indexes for a series
Find the closest index to a given time in years BP
Extract a time series of bioclimatic variables for one or more locatio...
Update the dataset list
Test whether a URL is valid
Validate an netcdf file for pastclim
Generate pretty variable labels for plotting
Get metadata from vrt
Set vrt metadata
Documentation for the WorldClim datasets
Convert years BP from pastclim to lubridate date, or vice versa
Methods to easily extract and manipulate palaeoclimate reconstructions for ecological and anthropological analyses, as described in Leonardi et al. (2023) <doi:10.1111/ecog.06481>.
Useful links