jids: all job ids (a vector of positive integers).
FUN: a function to be evaluated by workers.
...: extra parameters for FUN.
rank.manager: rank of the manager from where jid is sent.
comm: a communicator number.
bcast: if bcast to all ranks.
barrier: if barrier for all ranks.
try: wheter to use try() to avoid crashes. CAUTION: try = FALSE is not safe and can crash all MPI/R jobs.
try.silent: turn off error messages from try().
All of these functions are designed to emulate a manager/workers paradigm in an SPMD environment. If your chunk workloads are known and similar, consider a direct SPMD solution.
FUN is a user defined function which has jid as its first argument and other variables are given in ....
The manager will be queried by workers whenever a worker finishes a job to see if more jobs are available.
A list with length comm.size() - 1
will be returned to the manager and NULL to the workers. Each element of the list contains the returns ret of their FUN
Wei-Chen Chen wccsnow@gmail.com , George Ostrouchov, Drew Schmidt, Pragneshkumar Patel, and Hao Yu.
See Also
## Not run:### Under command mode, run the demo with 2 processors by### (Use Rscript.exe for windows system)# mpiexec -np 2 Rscript -e "demo(task_pull,'pbdMPI',ask=F,echo=F)"### Or# execmpi("demo(task_pull,'pbdMPI',ask=F,echo=F)", nranks = 2L)## End(Not run)