Beta priors determination based on different prior information
Beta priors determination based on different prior information
The prior function to calculate the Beta prior parameters
prior(type, mu, v, N, W, init)
type: type of prior information: "MeanVar" uses mean and variance, "Optimist" uses (ORR) mean, "ORRN" uses ORR and smaple size, "ORRW" uses ORR and CI width.
mu: prior(ORR) mean.
v: prior variance
N: prior sample size.
W: prior confidence interval width.
init: initial value to solve the nonlinear equations for "ORRW" type.
parameters: the vector of Beta parameters: a and b
prior(type ="MeanVar", mu=0.2, v=0.025)prior(type ="Optimist", mu =0.2)prior(type ="ORRN", mu =0.2, N =10)prior(type ="ORRW", mu =0.2, W =0.5)
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