Add an effect compartment.
Implemented PD models are:
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
add_effect_compartment(model, expr)
: (Model) Pharmpy modelexpr
: (str) Name of the PD effect function.(Model) Pharmpy model object
Add an effect compartment.
Implemented PD models are:
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
(equation could not be rendered, see API doc on website)
## Not run: model <- load_example_model("pheno") model <- add_effect_compartment(model, "linear") model$statements$ode_system$find_compartment("EFFECT") ## End(Not run)