predict.gaussian function

Prediction for an object with S3 class "gaussian"

Prediction for an object with S3 class "gaussian"

Predicting responses of the given design data.

## S3 method for class 'gaussian' predict(object, newdata, lambda.idx = c(1:3), Y.pred.idx = c(1:5), ...)


  • object: An object with S3 class "gaussian"
  • newdata: An optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the traning data of the are used.
  • lambda.idx: The indices of the regularizaiton parameters in the solution path to be displayed. The default values are c(1:3).
  • Y.pred.idx: The indices of the predicted response vectors in the solution path to be displayed. The default values are c(1:5).
  • ...: Arguments to be passed to methods.


predict.gaussian produces predicted values of the responses of the newdata from the estimated beta values in the object, i.e.

Y^=β^0+Xnewβ^. \hat{Y} = \hat{\beta}_0 + X_{new} \hat{\beta}.


  • Y.pred: The predicted response vectors based on the estimated models.


Jason Ge, Xingguo Li, Mengdi Wang, Tong Zhang, Han Liu and Tuo Zhao

Maintainer: Jason Ge

See Also

picasso and picasso-package.

  • Maintainer: Jason Ge
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2019-02-21

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