Pin, Discover and Share Resources
Use an Azure storage container as a board
Retrieve default cache path
Use Posit Connect as board
Use a vector of Posit Connect vanity URLs as a board
Deparse a board object
Use a local folder as board
Use a Google Cloud Storage bucket as a board
Use a Google Drive folder as a board
Use kaggle datasets/competitions as a board
Use a OneDrive or Sharepoint document library as a board
Board registry (legacy API)
Use an S3 bucket as a board
Test Board
Use a vector of URLs as a board
Cache management
Custom Boards
Custom Pins
Azure board (legacy API)
Remote "data.txt" board (legacy API)
DigitalOcean board (legacy API)
Google Cloud board (legacy API)
GitHub board (legacy API)
Kaggle board (legacy API)
Local board (legacy API)
S3 board (legacy API)
Create a new board
Pin a resource (legacy API)
Browse source of a pin
Create Pin Name
Delete a pin
Upload and download files to and from a board
Determine if a pin exists
Fetch/store a pin
Search for pins (legacy API)
Retrieve a pin (legacy API)
Retrieve pin metadata (legacy API)
List all pins
Pin Logging
Retrieve metadata for a pin
Reactive Pin (legacy API)
Wrap a pin in a reactive expression
Read and write objects to and from a board
Delete a pin (legacy API)
Search for pins
List, delete, and prune pin versions
pins: Pin, Discover and Share Resources
Objects exported from other packages
Determine required packages for a pins board
Write board manifest file to board's root directory
Write a manifest YAML file for a board
Publish data sets, models, and other R objects, making it easy to share them across projects and with your colleagues. You can pin objects to a variety of "boards", including local folders (to share on a networked drive or with 'DropBox'), 'RStudio' connect, Amazon S3, and more.
Useful links