mosaic_interpolate function

Mosaic interpolation

Mosaic interpolation

Performs the interpolation of points from a raster object.

mosaic_interpolate(mosaic, points, method = c("bilinear", "loess", "idw"))


  • mosaic: An SpatRaster object
  • points: An sf object with the points for x and y coordinates, usually obtained with shapefile_build(). Alternatively, an external shapefile imported with shapefile_input() containing the x and y coordinates can be used. The function will handle most used shapefile formats (eg., .shp, .rds) and convert the imported shapefile to an sf object.
  • method: One of "bilinear" (default), "loess" (local regression) or "idw" (Inverse Distance Weighting).


An SpatRaster object with the same extend and crs from mosaic