Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'
Add an annotation(s) to a plot
Add data to a plotly visualization
Apply function to plot, without modifying data
Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization
Animation configuration options
Tools for working with plotly's REST API (v2)
Convert a plotly object to an htmlwidget object
Convert a list to a plotly htmlwidget object
Specify attributes of selection traces
Estimate bounding box of a rotated string
Modify the colorbar
Set the default configuration for plotly
Embed a plot as an iframe into a Jupyter Notebook
Access plotly user input event data in shiny
Register a shiny input value
Un-register a shiny input value
Export a plotly graph to a static file
Convert a "basic" geoms to a plotly.js trace.
Request a figure object
Convert a ggplot to a list.
Convert ggplot2 to plotly
Separate groups with missing values
Hide color bar(s)
Hide guides (legends and colorbars)
Hide legend
Query graphical elements in multiple linked views
Highlight/query data based on primary key
Embed a plotly grid as an iframe in a knitr doc
Embed a plotly grid as an iframe in a knitr doc
Embed a plotly figure as an iframe in a knitr doc
Retrieve the last plot to be modified or created.
Modify the layout of a plotly visualization
Plotly Offline
Static image exporting via orca
Use a partial bundle of plotly.js
Plot an interactive dendrogram
Initiate a plotly-geo object
Initiate a plotly visualization
Initiate a plotly-mapbox object
Shiny bindings for plotly
Main interface to plotly
'Build' (i.e., evaluate) a plotly object
Obtain data associated with a plotly graph
Create a complete empty plotly graph.
Run a plotly example(s)
Create a static image
Inspect JSON sent to plotly.js
Create/Modify plotly graphs
Modify a plotly object inside a shiny app
Print method for a 'generic' API response
Print a plotly grid object
Print a plotly grid object
Print a plot on plotly's platform
Print method for kaleido
Add a range slider to the x-axis
Encode a raster object as a data URI
Objects exported from other packages
Remove TypedArray polyfill
Save plot as a static image
Acquire (and optionally display) plotly's plot schema
View colors already formatted by toRGB()
Create a new plotly account.
Modify trace(s)
View multiple plots in a single view
Render TeX in a plotly graph using MathJax
Convert a geom to a "basic" geom.
Convert R colours to RGBA hexadecimal colour values
Convert trace types to WebGL
Create interactive web graphics from 'ggplot2' graphs and/or a custom interface to the (MIT-licensed) JavaScript library 'plotly.js' inspired by the grammar of graphics.