Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
Biplots of PLSR and PCR Models.
Extract Information From a Fitted PLSR or PCR Model
Plot Regression Coefficients of PLSR and PCR models
CPPLS (Indahl et al.)
Cross-validation of PLSR and PCR models
Generate segments for cross-validation
Delete intercept from model matrix
Factor to Segments
Jackknife approximate t tests of regression coefficients
Kernel PLS (Dayal and MacGregor)
Multiplicative Scatter Correction
Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
MSEP, RMSEP and R2 of PLSR and PCR models
Adjust for Missing Values
Orthogonal scores PLSR
Plot Method for MVR objects
Set or return options for the pls package
Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
Predict Method for PLSR and PCR
Prediction Plots
Plots of Scores, Loadings and Correlation Loadings
Extract Scores and Loadings from PLSR and PCR Models
Suggestions for the optimal number of components in PCR and PLSR model...
Sijmen de Jong's SIMPLS
Standardization of Data Matrices
Summary and Print Methods for PLSR and PCR objects
Principal Component Regression
Validation Plots
Jackknife Variance Estimates of Regression Coefficients
Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model Object
Wide Kernel PLS (Rännar et al.)
Multivariate regression methods Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR), Principal Component Regression (PCR) and Canonical Powered Partial Least Squares (CPPLS).