An API Generator for R
Register a Serializer
Plumber Serializers
Store session data in encrypted cookies.
Validate OpenAPI Spec
Process a Package's Plumber API
Process a Plumber API
Package Plumber Router
Plumber Endpoint
Set the API visual documentation
Set the error handler that is invoked if any filter or endpoint genera...
Deprecated functions
DigitalOcean Plumber server
Return an attachment response
Deprecated R6 functions
Endpoint Serializer with Hooks
Forward Request to The Next Handler
Request character set
Send File Contents as Response
Determine if Plumber object
Plumber options
Plumber Parsers
Pipe operator
Set debug value to include error messages of routes cause an error
Static file router
plumber step R6 class
Store session data in encrypted cookies.
Add a filter to Plumber router
Add handler to Plumber router
Set the callback
to tell where the API visual documentation is locat...
Register a hook
Mount a Plumber router
Start a server using plumber
Set the handler that is called when the incoming request can't be serv...
Set the OpenAPI Specification
Set the default endpoint parsers for the router
Set the default serializer of the router
Add a static route to the plumber
Create a new Plumber router
Random cookie key generator
Add visual documentation for plumber to use
Manage parsers
Gives the ability to automatically generate and serve an HTTP API from R functions using the annotations in the R documentation around your functions.
Useful links