Functions for Clustering and Testing of Presence-Absence, Abundance and Multilocus Genetic Data
Parametric bootstrap test for clustering in abundance matrices
Converts alleleobject into binary matrix
Format conversion for codominant marker data
Shared allele distance for diploid loci
Diploid loci matrix initialization
Internal: compares two pairs of alleles
Spatial autocorrelation parameter estimation
Internal: create character matrix out of allele list
Internal: generates neighborhood list for diploid loci
Generate spatial weights from prabclus neighborhood list
Simulation of presence-absence matrices (clustered)
Construct communities from individuals
Distances between communities
Compare species clustering and species groups
Connectivity components of an undirected graph
Connected regions per species
Geographical coordinates to distances
Region-wise cluster membership
Dice distance matrix
Distance ratio test statistics for distance based clustering
geco distance matrix
Neighborhood list from geographical distance
Classical distance-based test for homogeneity against clustering
Clustering of species ranges from presence-absence matrices (hierarchi...
Nestedness matrix
Jaccard distance matrix
Kulczynski distance matrix
Largest connectivity component
Visualises clusters of markers vs. species
Missing values statistics for matrix
Test of neighborhood list
Mean distance to kth nearest neighbor
Nearest neighbor based clutter/noise detection
Distances between communities, auxiliary functions
Piecewise linear transformation for distance matrices
Plots for within-groups and between-groups distance regression
p-value simulation for presence-absence matrices clustering test
Estimates SAR model from log-abundance matrix of prab-object.
prabclus package overview
Clustering for biotic elements or for species delimitation (mixture me...
Presence-absence/abundance matrix initialization
Parametric bootstrap test for clustering in presence-absence matrices
Quantitative Kulczynski distance matrix
Simulation of presence-absence matrices (non-clustered)
Regression between subsets of dissimilarity matrices
Testing equality of within-groups and between-groups distances regress...
Testing equality of one within-group and between-two groups distances ...
Regression difference between within-group dissimilarities
Regression difference within reference group and between-group dissimi...
Testing equality of two distance-regressions
Simulation of abundance matrices (non-clustered)
Average within-group distances for given groups
Stress values for different dimensions of Kruskal's MDS
Convert abundance matrix into presence/absence matrix
Internal: create allele list out of character matrix
Distance-based parametric bootstrap tests for clustering with spatial neighborhood information. Some distance measures, Clustering of presence-absence, abundance and multilocus genetic data for species delimitation, nearest neighbor based noise detection. Genetic distances between communities. Tests whether various distance-based regressions are equal. Try package?prabclus for on overview.