Predicted Means for Linear and Semiparametric Models
Multiple Comparisons Based on the Confidence Intervals
Linear Contrast Tests for a Linear Model
Calculates and plots Cook's distances for a Linear (Mixed) Model
Predicted Means of a Linear Model with Covariate Variable(s)
Calculate degree of freedom of a modelterm (contrast) for a lmer model
Matrix of Coefficients in a Linear Model
Permutation ANOVA for lmer
Permutation Index
Permutation Test of random or fixed effects for lmer
Permutation Test of Linear Model
Level Plot of a Matrix of p-values.
Predicted Means for Linear and Semiparametric Models
Predicted Means of a Linear Model
An adjusted coefficient of determination (R2) for generalized linear m...
Diagnostic Plots for a Linear (Mixed) Model
Extract Standard Errors of Model Random Effects
Predicted Means of a Semi Paramatric Model with Covariate Variable(s)
Fitting Semi Parametric Models Using glmmTMB
Fitting Semi Parametric Models Using lme4 Ecosystem
Generate Sparse Matrix Z for penalized spline smoothing
Calculate SE and CI of variance components for lmer
, glmer
, lme
Providing functions to diagnose and make inferences from various linear models, such as those obtained from 'aov', 'lm', 'glm', 'gls', 'lme', 'lmer', 'glmmTMB' and 'semireg'. Inferences include predicted means and standard errors, contrasts, multiple comparisons, permutation tests, adjusted R-square and graphs.