Estimating Regional Trends of a Prevalence from a DHS and Similar Surveys
Convert an object of class prevR into a data.frame.
Create an object of class prevR.
Convert map projection of a object of class prevR.
Provide national boundaries of a country.
Direct label on a ggplot object
Export an object of class prevR.
Import DHS data.
Test if an object is of class prevR. This function test if the class o...
Kernel density estimation for prevR object.
Spatial interpolation (kriging and inverse distance weighting) for obj...
Create a spatial grid from an object of class prevR.
Suggested optimal value for N
Plot object of class prevR.
Objects of class prevR.
Estimating regional trends of a prevalence from a DHS.
Continuous color palettes.
Summary of a prevR object.
Quick prevR analysis and plot
Calculation of rings of equal number of observation and/or equal radiu...
Summary of a prevR object.
Spatial filter
Detailed summary of the variables of a prevR object
prevR themes for ggplot2
Update a prevR object
Convert a surface in xyz to a data frame.
Spatial estimation of a prevalence surface or a relative risks surface, using data from a Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) or an analog survey, see Larmarange et al. (2011) <doi:10.4000/cybergeo.24606>.