Tools for Prevalence Assessment Studies
Calculate the parameters of a Beta distribution based on expert inform...
Calculate the parameters of a Beta-PERT distribution
Methods for Function as.matrix
in Package prevalence
Definition of truePrevMulti
and truePrevMulti2
Plotting functions from package coda
Methods for Function plot
in Package prevalence
Class "prev"
Tools for prevalence assessment studies
Methods for Function print
in Package prevalence
Calculate confidence intervals for prevalences and other proportions
Methods for Function show
in Package prevalence
Methods for Function summary
in Package prevalence
Estimate true prevalence from individuals samples
Estimate true prevalence from individuals samples using multiple tests...
Estimate true prevalence from individuals samples using multiple tests...
Estimate true prevalence from pooled samples
The prevalence package provides Frequentist and Bayesian methods for prevalence assessment studies. IMPORTANT: the truePrev functions in the prevalence package call on JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler), which therefore has to be available on the user's system. JAGS can be downloaded from <>.