Production Function Estimation
Cluster Bootstrap Resampling
Change input to matrix
Change dummy input to dummy matrix
ACF estimation routine
OP and LP estimation routine
ACF Second Stage - GMM estimation
OP and LP Second Stage - GMM estimation
Generate lagged input variables
Print the estimated parameters
Generate the vector of the first stage residuals
Generate the omega estimates
Print a table with parameter estimates
Print a table with a summary of results
Simulate Panel dataset
Print output - prod objects
Class for Prodest Fitted object
Estimate productivity - Ackerberg-Caves-Frazer correction
Estimate productivity - Levinsohn-Petrin method
Estimate productivity - Olley-Pakes method
Estimate productivity - Robinson-Wooldridge method
Estimate productivity - IV Wooldridge method
Estimate productivity - Wooldridge method
Generate optimal GMM weighting matrix
Generate the variance of the demeaned variable
Implements the methods proposed by Olley, G.S. and Pakes, A. (1996) <doi:10.2307/2171831>, Levinsohn, J. and Petrin, A. (2003) <doi:10.1111/1467-937X.00246>, Ackerberg, D.A. and Caves, K. and Frazer, G. (2015) <doi:10.3982/ECTA13408> and Wooldridge, J.M. (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2009.04.026> for structural productivity estimation .
Useful links